Power Apps
for Power Users

Discover innovative Atlassian Marketplace Apps designed for power users

Our Power Apps

Explore our range of innovative Atlassian Marketplace Apps tailored for power users of Atlassian Jira Cloud and Data Center.

Threaded Comments
For Jira Cloud

Enhance collaboration in Jira Cloud with threaded comments, allowing users to easily organize and track comments on issues.

Threaded Comments
For Jira DC

Enhance collaboration in Jira Data Center with threaded comments, allowing users to easily organize and track comments on issues.

Home Directory, Database, & Log File Browser for Jira DC

Gain unprecedented visibility and control over your Jira database, allowing for efficient administration, monitoring, and optimization.

Unlock your full potential

Enhance your Jira experience with our feature-rich apps and boost your productivity today.

Our Customers

About Votazz

Our Story

Votazz is a prominent SaaS company founded in the Blue Mountains (90 mins outside of Sydney, Australia). We’re in customizable Atlassian Marketplace Apps tailored for power users of Atlassian Jira. Originally founded by Peter J. Muldoon the team at Votazz has now grown to 10+ people spread across 3 different countries.

Transform Your Jira Experience

Upgrade your Jira capabilities with Votazz’s top-rated apps. Get started now!

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